"The drugs make all the thoughts in my head go at a speed that makes sense" or the ever popular " I can finally relax and not look or act stressed all the time".
All of these reasons are reasons people take drugs. Some take drugs to be cool, some to be good at things, others to escape the world for a bit, and then there are the select few people who just take drugs just to take drugs...
I don't take any drugs, though the people who know me probably would cite that I drink coffee on a daily basis.... but I do that for taste honestly. I could find caffine in a lot of things and eat/drink them to get that caffine, but I don't. Other friends would say that maybe if I were on drugs, I might be a (Insert adjetive here) person. I really dont like altering myself to make me fit any more into society. I feel that the unique "quirky" personality makes me attractive to a lot of people, and while I don't really know anyone who hates me, I am sure that if they do, its most likely because of my personality...but I know it is not my altered personality, it is simply me.
Are you counting alcohol as a drug?
ps: totally copied you on the blog front. Heeyyyooo
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