Sunday, May 17, 2009

Whirlwind weekend

Alright. I give up. I am going to come out and say it, and I know a lot of people have thought that I would have said it a long time ago, but I just finally have had enough of the hiding, and so I am going to say it now.
I am crazy.
Heh. Yeah. No one react to harshly to these words, I know they come out of left field ( the best field) but try to take this news in stride.

Hahaha. Ok. I'm sorry, but I was in a puckish mood there for a bit, and now I can get over it, and move on with my real topic, my weekend.

On Friday, I went out with one of my coworkers who is a fellow blogger (read it here) to go see Angels and Deamons. I thought that even though they didn't stick exactly to the book plot, and omitted the "bad guy" in lieu of another bad guy, I think that the pacing, the great score, and the cinematography was soo good that I give it a 7. It definately kept me entertained and told the whole story, so thats always what a movie aims to do, and this one did not fall short.
After the movie, I was still in a sociable mood, because I didn't want to be alone this weekend and bored, so I called an old friend and went to St. Mikes Pub. Now, for those of you who read this and are NOT from the Tallahassee area, this pub has approxamately 40 feet of space in which to cram as many beers as possible in, as well as the token pub chairs and the sort. I went to the bartender to try to order my beer, but found I was not alone ( about 100 people were there), and waited my turn. Since my friend and I were meeting there, I finally got up the the bar and ordered two of my beer, the Optimator. Its a nice sweet beer, and between 10 and 11 percent alcohol. Not too shabby by beer standards.
We meet up, and I give my friend the beer, and we try to squeeze our way to an area that isn't too loud that has an ashtray ( friend is a smoker). As luck would have it, we found a little table, and sat down and talked and laughed and drank our beers in happy company, and I realized how good it was to just talk to people, and to observe a Friday night out where most of the people didn't know who I was. It was really nice.
Of course, after a beer like that, I am ready to go home because I have somehow turned into old mother hubbard and go to bed pretty early. Must be my old age ( 23.. heh).

Saturday, I was ready to go and do things that included caber tossing and haggis... you guessed it, the Scottish Highlander games and Celtic Festival!! but, mother nature was not in an agreeable mood for me to go, because as soon as I pulled on my best looking kilt and knee high socks, it started pouring. Now, I know this should not stop a girl who looks like me, to go see guys who can throw logs 30 feet, but I was still a little wary, and decided against it. I got homework done though, and that is always a good thing.
Later that night, I went over to my couple friends house for some drinks, talking, and just a fun time playing games and not caring about anything. As the hours ware on, and after I learn how to play a game called Munchkin... ( don't ask.. its pretty nerdy), the conversation turned to men and women, and how relationships are based off of one simple yet hard to stick by fact, and that is complete honesty. Honesty about your wants and needs in the relationship, honesty about what your thinking about the other person... just honesty. I realized quickly that this particular group of friends had different opinions about how honest "real honesty" was, and how easy it was for them to tell the other person they were with how they feel... it made me take a step back at myself, and analyze my relationships in the past. Not in a "oh wow, I was a bitch" kind of way, but more of a "wow, I didn't tell this person what I felt, and they probably wanted _____ instead of what I gave them," kind of thing. We live, we learn, we carry on.
Getting home at 5:30 put me in bed, but not before thinking about what my boyfriend was doing at that moment because it was raining hard where I was, and I was hoping that wherever he was, either in a tent or out driving, he was not in this storm.

Sunday, was almost a wash day until later in the night. I woke up at 1:30 PM, and for going to bed when I did, I didn't feel like I was doing any excessive sleeping. I made myself breakfast, and then looked online for some things to get for fathers day. Then I wrote some notes from my homework, and then decided to go out shopping to see if I could find anything else for some birthdays and fathers days... I did not find anything for them, but wanted to buy about 400 things for me. Yay for no money and a moral compass that does not allow me to buy things for no reason. Stupid compass.
After I got home, I found this awesome site that lets you build your own font with your handwriting. YourFonts allows you to write on a template, and then see your handwriting as a font for free, and for not a lot of money, pay to download it to use on your computer. How awesome is that??? The pic obviously shows my font.. I like it.
Then a friend came over, and we talked, played some wicked awesome Guitar Hero, and then caught the later showing of 17Again with Zac Effron. He is super hot, and the movie is super cute. I liked the story alot, and the soundtrack was pretty good for a teenagery movie, even though the girls who were "high school girls" were total sluts. Both my friend and I agreed that we were nothing like that in High school, but we might be if Zac went to our school.... Guilty.

In reflection, I realize that this is not my usual post, and that I should have been comparing the songs I have recently discovered with the ones I used to love, or the new rock climbing route that I dominate at, or something like that, but I just don't have it in me tonight, and I wanted to get at least one normal post out before I become one of the blogs that just has random crap that isn't personal, and has no story to it.
I mean, that's what we have right, an outlet to be personal yet tell a story or a side of ourselves that people might connect to, to read? I hope so.


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