Sunday, May 24, 2009

Washings and cleanings

Well, as today is just a lazy day number 2 on my 3 day weekend, this is also day 2 on my "doing things I should have been doing a lot lately and am too lazy/entertained by other things to be doing them". This list of things which include favorites like scrubbing the bathroom, also includes laundry. Ugh. Laundry.

Laundry usually isn't something that people who aren't super poor and live in place that has easy access to a machine would whine about, but since I am super poor, and I don't live within walking distance to any Laundromat facility, it is an arduous duty of scouring parking spots and hunting loose change in the sofa to try to get the pants that now stand up on its own clean at last.

Luckily, I have 3 days to do a month’s worth of laundry, and so the task is not as daunting nor excruciatingly boring provided you bring the right book ( mine is The Diviners, which is a 567 episodic mind explosion in an not so good way, but definitely makes time pass) Today was dark bottoms and some towels. Yesterday was light bottoms and underwear, tomorrow are tops; god I am so bad at laundry.

I like going to this cute place called the Laundry Basket, which attracted me not only for its cute title and its relative proximity to TCBY and an interesting hair salon which the owners husband is always outside fixing motorbikes, but also for the fact that it is small, out of the way, and generally cheap and quiet. I like places like this, because the people who go to them are always the offbeat people who are either;

The owners friends and long time customers,
Poor people who live behind the store and need to walk somewhere to wash their 3 shirts and 4 pants,
Offbeat people looking for some tranquility during a mundane task.

Watching the people interact and do laundry, most of who were in their Sunday church clothing was definitely something to do when trying to get through my epic novel.

Since I did so well at the chores needing to be done, I thought, why not, go to Old Navy, treat yourself to some new summer shirts since all of my summer shirts were eaten by my former cat. I get in the store, and realize that there are retarded good sales ( we are talking tanktops for 5 dollars in a plethora of colors, not just neon yellow and indiscript color brown/green. ) So I bought a few, and came home, to realize, that I just bought new clothes, that have to be cleaned.


Allyson said...

Yesterday was $1 flip flops at Old Navy but I didn't get any because the lines were like an hour long.

When I move to my new place we can go on laundry excursions together because I will not have a a washer dryer anymore.

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