Monday, May 25, 2009

Drunk and then...

Last night, I got drunk. Not in the bad way where you don't remember anything and you wake up with a guy you don't know in a place you don't know realizing you have done something you definitely know. No. This was the drunk where I get home, feel nauseated, and then wake up and wishing my body was not in the pain it was, and realize that some of this pain, is caused by my new sneak attack menstrual cycle, and the other half of the pain is caused by my head exploding because of dehydration.

After a nice toast and water combo, I felt way better, and decided the next thing I needed was a chai latte at Red Eye Coffee. :) Drank that up in about 4 seconds. I needed that extra shot of caffeine.

Joe and I then took off in his car for an adventure of the driving sorts, because that's how we roll ( pun intended), and went to follow the newly finished Orange ave. road to wherever it took us. Amazingly, it took us to the biggest houses either one of us has ever seen in the Southwood subdivision. We are talking possibly 6 bedroom monsters. Maybe more. We thought that there should have been a notice saying watch out for rich people.

After thoroughly getting lost ( and having fun doing just that), we found some high schools, and I found my nausiated state getting more and more of a constant. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, we were in front of Beef o' Bradys.

Obviously, a piece of toast and water might be good for the common prisoner, but apparently my belly wants more than that after a night of drinking, and so we ate some amazing sandwiches, and I downed about a gallon of water.

Now, this is where we come in contact with possibly the most bad-ass sport known to colleges, Lacrosse. Today just happens to be the Lacrosse championships, Cornell Vs. Syracuse. Cornell hasn't won any sports title since 1977. Syracuse has won 10 straight titles in Lacrosse. BEST GAME EVER. It was my first time really getting into a sport to yell at it, and scream when people missed shots, and I found out that people can run over other players ( literally RUN OVER), and whack other players with sticks in the face, watch the video if you don't believe me...
Crazy day, thank god for holidays.


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