Thursday, June 18, 2009

food for thought

This morning, I woke up at around 8:00 AM, a nice leisurely time to wake up on a Thursday. My soft blankets wrapped around me with the cool of the air-conditioner blowing softly around my face. Looking out at the brightness outside, I decided I would go outside, drink my coffee, and read a few pages in the novel that I have been devouring lately. Its a book about storytelling, really, how would I not love this? So about 2 hours go by, my coffee drained, and the thermostat going up in not so small increments. I go back inside to decide what my real breakfast would be. Living with two boys ( basically), I was skeptical that real food was left in my pantry. I opened it and to my pleasant surprise, I noticed that they had not touched the pancake mix. I wasn't really hoping for pancakes, but if it was there, I was going to eat it. So once I got all the mix ready and the skillit sizzeling, I looked in to the fridge, to find raspberries. I had resigned to the fact that the boys had eaten them the moment I brought them in, but they were still there... I was so happy. For those of you who don't know, I love raspberries. I do not love raspberry flavorings ( that are inexplicably blue??), but the real things? Heck yes. I love how they remind me of summer, of good desserts, of everything that is innocent and outdoorsy. It is a good deal for me. I made two pancakes, and put the raspberries on top. It was so decadent and appropriate for the hot balmy days that are typical to Tallahassee. The picture above, I sadly did not take, but it definatly evokes the spirit of what I ate, if food can have a spirit. Talking about spirit here for a moment, I want to diverge into the spirit of adventure. I recently bought tickets for me and my boyfriend to go to Utah to see my parents. It ended up being a trip we couldn't take, so now I have two tickets that are usable for up to a year, anywhere I can use the money to (at 300 bucks, I think I can manage somewhere cool).... so now the question is, when, and where. :) We want to be able to save some money, so we don't have to bum it when we go somewhere, so our when is probably later in the summer, or something like that. I am soo excited.


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