Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Prime time tv

so, I guess I haven't blogged in a while, and instead, have been slowly but very surely been turning into what ends up being a 80 year old woman. go figure.

Recently, all I have been doing it seems is finishing my books, and watching movies with friends, and.. yeah. :) Sounds like amazing summer plans, yes?

Yesterday I didn't feel good at all, so Joe and I just went driving instead of being social with friends. I started out with a very yummy latte from my favorite, Red Eye Coffee shop. I still don't understand why this place doesn't have a website, but whatever. After receiving my yumtastic ( that word used just for you hip kids who know me), raspberry latte, we started off down Orange ave, which turned into Capitol Cir, which turned into Tennessee, Which turned into miccosukee. Down miccosukee ( like, a WAYS down it), I found ( with Joe's eyes that actually can see), the Miccosukee land co-op. Its hippie ville. The picture above just shows how they get to one of the houses. It has a sign. haha. There is also signs like "lost ln." and "abby Rd" and things like that. Then he took me to a fish farm somewhere I cannot even remember, and we watched the sun go down. like Hippies. yeah. I don't care. it was awesome.

Today, going in to work at 8:00 Am killed me, and leaving work at 5 did not. After that, I went to see Transformers:revenge of the fallen. I give this movie a C+. It had some wonky sound mixing, and the story line was pretty corny, but the action was non-stop and pretty good special effects. I don't think I could tell what was CGI'ed in, and what was really there and happening.

Now I am pooped.


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