Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Prime time tv

so, I guess I haven't blogged in a while, and instead, have been slowly but very surely been turning into what ends up being a 80 year old woman. go figure.

Recently, all I have been doing it seems is finishing my books, and watching movies with friends, and.. yeah. :) Sounds like amazing summer plans, yes?

Yesterday I didn't feel good at all, so Joe and I just went driving instead of being social with friends. I started out with a very yummy latte from my favorite, Red Eye Coffee shop. I still don't understand why this place doesn't have a website, but whatever. After receiving my yumtastic ( that word used just for you hip kids who know me), raspberry latte, we started off down Orange ave, which turned into Capitol Cir, which turned into Tennessee, Which turned into miccosukee. Down miccosukee ( like, a WAYS down it), I found ( with Joe's eyes that actually can see), the Miccosukee land co-op. Its hippie ville. The picture above just shows how they get to one of the houses. It has a sign. haha. There is also signs like "lost ln." and "abby Rd" and things like that. Then he took me to a fish farm somewhere I cannot even remember, and we watched the sun go down. like Hippies. yeah. I don't care. it was awesome.

Today, going in to work at 8:00 Am killed me, and leaving work at 5 did not. After that, I went to see Transformers:revenge of the fallen. I give this movie a C+. It had some wonky sound mixing, and the story line was pretty corny, but the action was non-stop and pretty good special effects. I don't think I could tell what was CGI'ed in, and what was really there and happening.

Now I am pooped.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

When love takes over

This video is by David Guetta feat. Kelly Rowland

When love from Erin McClain on Vimeo.

food for thought

This morning, I woke up at around 8:00 AM, a nice leisurely time to wake up on a Thursday. My soft blankets wrapped around me with the cool of the air-conditioner blowing softly around my face. Looking out at the brightness outside, I decided I would go outside, drink my coffee, and read a few pages in the novel that I have been devouring lately. Its a book about storytelling, really, how would I not love this? So about 2 hours go by, my coffee drained, and the thermostat going up in not so small increments. I go back inside to decide what my real breakfast would be. Living with two boys ( basically), I was skeptical that real food was left in my pantry. I opened it and to my pleasant surprise, I noticed that they had not touched the pancake mix. I wasn't really hoping for pancakes, but if it was there, I was going to eat it. So once I got all the mix ready and the skillit sizzeling, I looked in to the fridge, to find raspberries. I had resigned to the fact that the boys had eaten them the moment I brought them in, but they were still there... I was so happy. For those of you who don't know, I love raspberries. I do not love raspberry flavorings ( that are inexplicably blue??), but the real things? Heck yes. I love how they remind me of summer, of good desserts, of everything that is innocent and outdoorsy. It is a good deal for me. I made two pancakes, and put the raspberries on top. It was so decadent and appropriate for the hot balmy days that are typical to Tallahassee. The picture above, I sadly did not take, but it definatly evokes the spirit of what I ate, if food can have a spirit. Talking about spirit here for a moment, I want to diverge into the spirit of adventure. I recently bought tickets for me and my boyfriend to go to Utah to see my parents. It ended up being a trip we couldn't take, so now I have two tickets that are usable for up to a year, anywhere I can use the money to (at 300 bucks, I think I can manage somewhere cool).... so now the question is, when, and where. :) We want to be able to save some money, so we don't have to bum it when we go somewhere, so our when is probably later in the summer, or something like that. I am soo excited.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

litmus test of exciting

I don't know if my blogs have been telling lately, but I seem to be quite ready for an adventure. Most of the time, my brain is going to new and unexperienced places, such as randomly searching for exciting new streets in Tallahassee with amazing houses and cool people that will just invite me over for a glass of wine, or a barb-q of epic proportions.

This hasn't happened yet, so I keep my eyes open, and my mind wandering. This week has been a unique example of my desire to do things. If we were to start from last Tuesday, I was directing the Florida Underage Drinking Task Force, which is what the high ups call a "beneficial meeting to discuss a growing problem of society", but what I call "social hour". It wasn't bad, no hiccups, no missed words or rambunctious party members ( thinking house of commons here..), but overall, interesting. Wednesday and Thursday, all I did was try to figure out what to do with myself, because I was getting a little antsy, so I decided to start reading a book. It is called The Shadow of the Wind. Very interesting to me right now because it actually depicts real streets in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. It makes me want to go there and walk around, maybe get some tapas. MM. Tapas.
Friday was a pretty chill day at work, and it was my last day of class this summer ( a whole week earlier than the rest of the suckers, I mean, students). This means that I went to 101 lounge with co workers and enjoyed a nice basket of sweet potato fries. and a couple of martini things. Then I went on a walk with Allyson ( who I know doesn't hate me) and showed her the magic of fireflies in the south. Saturday was a beach day with some friends, and although we all got some sun, I managed to scrape out with only raccoon eyes, which is much better than some of my more sun tolerant and tan friends. Then Joe and I went to a pool hall and he celebrated in true Tallahassee fashion his birthday with guy friends. We all joked, and shot bad pool, but it was definitely the "run and swoop" routine that Eric ( a friend of Joe) and I conceived that eventually won us the title for a bit. It also didn't hurt that I wasn't drinking. heh. Sunday was Joe's real birthday, and he relaxed from the revelry, and we ate chinese food, and then we went over to his brothers place with his family, and ate a great dinner. His brother just got a puppy, so that was what I was playing with the whole time, and seriously thought about putting it in my purse, until I remembered I didn't take my purse in. Damn.
Now that I have no classes, I seem to just want to do things, but alas, lack of money hits kids like me hard.

oh well. :D

Monday, June 15, 2009

Picnic in a briefcase

I happened to stumble around the internet at the new Urban Outfitters blog to see what was happening in the "hip" crowd, and i came across this gem. I would totally do this for a friend, or maybe just for myself. Its adorable, especially since inside it is 12 degrees and you know you want to be in the shade of a tree somewhere outside for your lunch....

The whole article on how to make this adorable little picnic in a briefcase is here at .

This and other greatness comes from this blog I found . It is amazing in its use of pictures, its commentary, and of course its budget wise decoration and DIY ideas.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catch the semen Trebek

dont hate you, hate me.

I do not hate Allyson Adolphson, I just like to leave work. :)

Yesterday I decided that I was going to start doing things for my body again ( not gross stuff), but just going out and running, or jogging. Thanks to some people blogging and talking about the Couch to 5k workout, I thought that it would be a great way to do some interval training, as well as not going crazy about running and feeling WAY out of shape. I went to my favorite park, which has a 1.3 mile loop in it ( Lafayette Park). I downloaded the podcast that was made by this guy named Robert who was doing it, who obviously knew that I needed music to run along with. Sadly, I did not download the very first one ( good job Erin!), so I had to start on week two. That was rough goings. I made it through it though! But I was very tired afterwards. Oh well. Hopefully Friday I will be able to run it without keeling over on myself. :)

After that, I came home, and all I wanted was to chill out, and read a book. This didn't happen though, because after a nice cool shower, I found out that the show Wipeout was on. Wipeout looks ridiculous to say the least, and really strenuous at that as well. I can understand how the 4' 8" girl wont make it in the wipeout zone, because she simply isn't tall enough or strong enough to do it. It is definitely hilarious though.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

This cuts into my summer time...

Ah. This weekend was a bit odd. I had a good time. I saw friends, went to movies and laughed, went to movies and cried, drank chi, ate pizza, grilled out, smiled at the sun on my face, yelled at an inanimate object, became stir-crazy with my apartment, threw pillows, wrote notes for class, wrote blogs for life, started a book, and drank.

While they are mixed up there, they were definitely not mixed in my head, because all weekend, I have felt that something is missing in me. It is like being at a precipice of a hill on your bike, letting gravity pull you down, only to realize the hill down was not very satisfying, and you start looking for other hills to go down on your bike bigger than the one you were on, if only to feel that need of release and of emotions.

I thought that with my girl friends on Friday, this would help me out, because usually a night with the girls wears me out, or at least the people watching and the drinking wears me out. It was a grand night. I missed them. I felt like I hadn't been out in forever. I drank wine at my fav. wine spot ( for now, thanks to Phil), then after I was just over the "tipsy" phase, I drank chi, and saw the movie The Brothers Bloom. It was great. I am sure me being awkwardly drawn in by Adrian Brody didn't help, but I really did. I felt like I was Adrian Brody in the film. Always stuck in someone elses masterfully written con. After that night, I came home, and tried to wrap myself away in the arms and body of Joe. It worked for that night.

Waking up the next day, the frustrations from the day before were compounded into doing something radical... I moved my apartment ALL around. I moved my living room into where my dining room was, and moved my dining room to where my living room was, and moved most of the things that used to be mine in the living room back into my room and moved my room all around. I know. There were too many conjunctions in that description but I had to get it all in once sentence. It felt needed. After yelling at my furniture for the various bruises and scrapes I received, and the illogical wiring of my house, I rested. I took a shower ( a nice hot one to flush thoughts out of my head) and went off to go to a party. The party was goofy. I felt like if I didn't make it the silly lighthearted fest I wanted it to be, it would have been the boring horrible drudgery that Joe thought it was. I felt bad for him, offering him ideas of pleasure, and of mindless self indulgence, if only to make the night better. I think it worked for a bit, until it was vastly too boring for even MY ideas of how to fix. Sleep didn't come easily that night.

After a huge amount of tossing and turning, I woke up. I did my sunday ritual of nothing, followed by the movie The Hangover. ( funny stuff there. I liked it alot).. followed by grilling out with GramHam. :) I liked it. It gave me time to think about what the hell I am supposed to be doing in life. It also gave me time to just think.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Top Gear, amazingness

This show has old history references, slapstick humor, one armed men, and cars. Really? can it get better???

Monday, June 1, 2009

Death Cab Kick...

Death Cab for Cutie - Little Bribes from Ross Ching on Vimeo.

Cath... from Miky Wolf on Vimeo.

movies I want to see...