Tuesday, August 4, 2009

dreaming of Hogwarts?

OK, so last night, other than getting a crazy amount of sleep, (not good crazy, little crazy), I had the weirdest and most detailed dream I have had in a long time. I dreamt that I was at Hogwarts. I dreamt that I was a student, who went there, but I wasn’t an affiliate to either good or bad. I was curious. I wandered around with the HP gang, but I didn’t really think that they were amazing. Then, something happened, and we angered Voldermort. And he came to the school. But being me, I didn’t run away from him, I sought him out. At first, there was a vapor trail, and then it led me to an unknown corridor, and then I found him. He looked like a mix between the second movie tom Riddle and the fourth movie Tom Riddle. He was intriguing, and he let me in on his ideas and special magic paths throughout the school. He didn’t want to kill anyone; he just wanted to be the best.

It was such a weird dream, to be facinated by this, and to be even thinking about it. Argh. Crazyness.


Jessie said...

Sounds like you were a Ravenclaw. Way to kick it with Voldy for curiosity's sake.

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