Thursday, August 6, 2009

modernity in tallahassee

Ugh. I am soo hot right now. I am sweating all over, and I can't move or do anything because it will wake up someone. Also, the people on the other side of the wall are hammering nails into the wall, and that is kind of annoying too.
I had five guys for dinner. I have heard amazing things about this place, and then when I finally eat there, all I wanted to do was say "eh. it tastes like a burger". I think I am either spoiled or apathetic. Either way, it can't bode well for me seeing as how everyone I know loves it. Even the god damned vegans. psh.
After dinner I went and played smash brothers. It was a lot of fun. I had forgotten how fun that game actually was, because I hadn't played it in so long. I bet it is even fun by yourself, and that is definitely the best test for a game's playability...alone time. Every game is more fun when you have other people playing it with you. I was 2nd place on almost every round of the game, which isn't bad saying as how I was button smashing the whole time. Hurrah for button smash!
After a few games of Smash, I needed a pick me up(AKA caffeine) so all of us walked to Red Eye cafe. For some reason, the person whos house we were at thought that they lived relatively close to this coffee place. They were mistaken. They lived like 7 blocks away. I know that isn't far to all you city people, but to people who live in Tallahassee in the summer, that is an eternity away. And not to mention really gross after the first two blocks because of the mugginess.
The coffee/chai was good, and after a brief discussion on Russia, Education, and Government leftism, we were wiped, and walked back to my car.

Not bad, not bad.

old/new layout

I changed my layout back to the minimalist drone layout I had before. I am in transition, but until I find one I really love, this is what I am sticking with.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

dancing for the heart

So, after I blogged about my awesome/horrific dream about Hogwarts and Voldermort, I had a pretty normal day. My coworker/boss who I help alot is in a conference in Washington D.C. all this week, so I have just been doing really easy work, keeping it light because I know as soon as she gets back I will have tons of stuff to do.

After work, I went to a workout class with my friend called Zumba. Now, I know what those of you who know me are thinking, "this girl, in a latin dance/arobics class?" Contrary to what I thought, I had a lot of fun. It is probaby the first class where it was directed at arobics that I was smiling the whole time. It was sexy, and full of sass, and I definately didn't feel as uncoordinated as some of the ladies in there, but to be fair, I was probably the youngest one there, besides the teaching aide. The teacher was just soo full of energy! Sometimes, you have that instructor who shows you the movements, but then doesn't really do them, and just walks around the whole time "helping you" do your posture or movement. Not this lady. She was bouncing and jumping, and shaking her top and shaking her bottom. It was great.

After I got home, my great boyfriend had already made me some food, which I was very thankful for. I drank some juice, ate the food, and was feeling semi comatose by the time 9:00 rolled around. We tried to watch all of Pan's Labyrinth, but he fell asleep on my belly by 9:30, and I fell asleep by the end of the movie at about 10:30. I was so exhausted.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

dreaming of Hogwarts?

OK, so last night, other than getting a crazy amount of sleep, (not good crazy, little crazy), I had the weirdest and most detailed dream I have had in a long time. I dreamt that I was at Hogwarts. I dreamt that I was a student, who went there, but I wasn’t an affiliate to either good or bad. I was curious. I wandered around with the HP gang, but I didn’t really think that they were amazing. Then, something happened, and we angered Voldermort. And he came to the school. But being me, I didn’t run away from him, I sought him out. At first, there was a vapor trail, and then it led me to an unknown corridor, and then I found him. He looked like a mix between the second movie tom Riddle and the fourth movie Tom Riddle. He was intriguing, and he let me in on his ideas and special magic paths throughout the school. He didn’t want to kill anyone; he just wanted to be the best.

It was such a weird dream, to be facinated by this, and to be even thinking about it. Argh. Crazyness.

Monday, August 3, 2009

cleaning out the cobwebs

So, this weekend was pretty good. I helped my coworker decide over which couch to get, and the one that she picked was a brown faux-leather couch ( to work with her pro animal stance). I had a party at my place that was thrown in honor of my roomies birthday. We had a lot of gaming going on for the first bit, but after the pong was broken out, the real chaos began. My roomie found out he is a sevant at playing beer pong, but just not that keen on drinking. Maybe that was his tactic, to avoid drinking the beer at all costs. We also had a pie eating contest ( with no hands allowed), and a pinata full of adult fun stuff. It was a pretty fun party, but after a few hours of doing too many drinking games, I was ready for bed. I also wasn't feeling well to begin with, with a massive eye watering headache, and other physical pains, so drinking didn't help that.

The next morning, my boyfriend went with his family to go scalloping, and because of more headaches and a copius amount of cleaning/errands to do, I didn't go. I instead went and had my car alligned, and my oil filter changed, and all my other fluids toped off, and all that fun stuff... I then spent some time on myself and had my eyebrows tinted and waxed. Now, this is my first time to have eyebrow tinting done, but the change looks really natural, and I am glad I don't have to spend hours a week drawing in color. Then I came home, and cleaned. At this point, I didn't really want to spend time with "the boys" at my house, so I called up the coworker who had just recieved her couch, and we watched last chance harvey. It was either a 6.5 0r 7 out of 10. After getting licked by her dog and laughing at the absurdities of wagging tails and bunny runs, it was past my bedtime, and I went home to find a very sunburned and tired boyfriend.

On Sunday, we woke up and made some coffee, and blueberry pancakes. MMMM. I heart a boy who likes cooking. :) Then we were cheap, and saw an early showing of "The Ugly Truth". This was a pretty cute movie, even to guys (my boyfriend laughed louder than I did at some parts).. I give that movie a 7.5 out of 10. we came home, and I did some cleaning around the house, while he cleaned the scallops that he had caught the day before.

Overall, a pretty good weekend!